From Andalusia to Algarve

A journey to discover the three great destinations of Andalusia: Granada, Cordoba and Seville. Final stop: the Algarve coast in Portugal.

We started our journey with an early flight from Milan to Granada.


Granada, the city of the Alhambra, is enchanting and unique. I loved this city, it will remain in my heart forever.


«Granada is the perfect dream and fantasy, forever ineffable…»
Federico García Lorca


On the banks of the Guadalquivir river, in the heart of rural Andalusia, stands the beautiful and historic city of Cordoba. The charm of its old town is due to the beauty of its Moorish monuments like the majestic Mezquita, with the forest of arches and columns symbol of the glory of Al-Andalus, but also to the patios and medieval alleys, declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.



Seville is the capital of Andalusia, it is the soul and the embodiment of the famous Andalusian way of life. The medieval old town consists of winding and narrow alleys and aristocratic districts, rich in courtyards and hidden squares. One of the essential places to visit in Seville is the Real Alcazar, a witness to the history of the city of Seville, a place that has seen the passing of many cultures that have changed the city and left their mark.



From Andalusia we moved to the Portuguese region of Algarve. 150 km of coastline facing the Atlantic Ocean, this place is magic. Cabo de São Vicente is a must-see, here you can see the sun setting over the ocean.